
Back online…!?!

Happy New Year to all of you, fabulous Divas !!!

I decided to write a post today after being silent for such a long time …  I have been asked by many people why have I stopped blogging and yesterday, while shopping with my sister, I run into a girl that I had never seen in my life who told me « are you evadiva the blogger ? » …I could not even think that people could recognize me so randomly and it made me feel like I was Halle Berry…lol :o) so when she asked me why I wasn’t blogging anymore, I felt ashamed to tell her that my job is keeping me too busy… !  So I woke up this morning thinking that no job should keep me so busy that I can forget about or not live my true passion… So I hope that 2012 will be a year that will make me stay in touch with my true passion !

I have spent most of my time between Paris and my beautiful country Senegal, and although I have been doing makeup only for special occasions (family and friends) I have been exploring so many new products…

For my first post of the year, I wanted to talk about my new favorite products…the one that I cannot live without (yes the list may have changed :o) )

MASCARA : Shocking by YSL


If I ever recommended mascaras like Lancome that are great, please forget about all of them ! YSL Shocking is by far the best mascara I have ever used ! It will give you instant volume and définition and will not clump. However, make sure you tightly close it when u use it as it can become dry very quickly if not properly closed. It’s a little bit pricey for a mascara ($30) but it is well worth the price !



This is by far my favorite foundation for black skin. Everybody knows that I am a MAC addict but on this one, it does give a better complexion than MAC ! This foundation is also great for pictures and bridal makeup. I use MAC blot powder on top of it just to make sure I don’t end up with a dewy face in the middle of the day. The only problem with it is that it can feel too heavy for hot climates.  You can find it anywhere in France but in the US, I am not sure… you can always try online as well. Price : 36.5 Euros



This one is still on my list ! I use it everyday as a blush and it gives a very soft and natural look. It can be too light for very dark skin but Works perfectly for light, medium and dark skin. If you have very dark skin, I recommened RAISIN blush from MAC.

Price : $35

EYELINER : MAC Rapidblack


I have been looking for an eyeliner that is easy to use and very dark. MAC Rapidblack is the best as it gives you a precise line and it doesn’t run. You cannot use it in the inner rim of the eyelid, use the graphblack pencil for that.

Price : $18

PS : I did miss blogging !


16 Responses to “Back online…!?!”

  1. Friday, January 6, 2012 at 3:16 pm

    Youpi!! Meilleurs voeux! Mes prieres ont ete exauces! Ta presence sur le web nous a beaucoup manque et je suis contente de te relire. Welcome back!

  2. 3 Olive
    Friday, January 6, 2012 at 3:46 pm

    Welcome back! I ran across your blog this week, and I’m very happy that I did. We seem to be about the same complexion, and since I’m very new to makeup, I’ve been taking a lot of tips from you. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store.

  3. Friday, January 6, 2012 at 4:34 pm

    So great to have you back!

    I like Bobbi Brown Illuminating Powder. It provides a subtle sparkle that helps to make you glow.

  4. 7 Carla
    Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 3:18 am

    I’m Glad that your back :-). I’ve been researching schools and classes for makeup, I’m a lil confused… Should I take a few classes or should I do the whole school thing? Please help me out!

    • 8 eVaDiVa
      Saturday, March 24, 2012 at 11:06 pm

      Hello Carla,

      It depends of your natural skills. If you are pretty good, no need to take classes, just go behind a makeup counter and work your magic! If you feel like you need to learn more, take a few classes. Check out also the MAC pro website and how you can get a MAC pro license (40% discount too!!) that way, you can attend all their master makeup classes too. Good luck!


  5. Monday, February 6, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    Hello girl,

    I find your blog very interesting. I’m french and i create a blog too. I love Clarins Products. I’m new on wordpress, please, visit my blog http://leboudoirdejustine.wordpress.com and tell me if you like my website!

  6. 13 muriel
    Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 10:53 am

    salut Eva,
    je suis très rave d’avoir consulter ton site qui est magnifique.
    je prends note de tes astuces et courage pour la suite.

    Gros bisous

    Muriel depuis Bamako

  7. 15 Marian Mahmoud
    Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 8:56 pm

    Welcome back. Looking forward to more posts

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Quote of the Day…

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Ghandi

Cause of the Week… S.O.S Children’s Villages

Product of the week…

NARS TAJ MAHAL BLUSH Great color and a beautiful glow!

MAKEUP PIC of the Week


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